Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment-Character

The main character in my novel is a few people, more like animals. the three pigs who who basically thought and wrote Animalism. I thought at 1st it would have been Mr. Jones the Master, but the book is called animal farm.

If i compared myself to one of the Character it would be Old Major. He is a caring and wise pig who wants all animals to be created equal. All the animals on the farm look up to him as there leader and i see myself as a leader as well, not a follower. I'm different because I'm not a follower and most of the character in the book Animal Farm are.

If i were the main character i would see weak minded animals that don't understand what they want. I feel that i have to make a change and be a leader to them and help them find their way in life. I hate seeing innocent animals being butchered, sold and taking away from their young ones. I will over come my fears and over throw the master and save my kind. Animals United.


Anonymous said...

see u have a lot of characters too so in your face =)(look people luv smiley faces you know the real version)